How You Should Handle Your Next RV Roof Repair Job

A lot goes into making an RV road-worthy and comfortable. While it takes all kinds of different parts, it should go without saying that the roof is essential. Even the tiniest of leaks could become a big problem if you don’t quickly repair it with EPDM.

EPDM Is Long Lasting

The only thing worse than having to handle RV roof repair because of a pesky leak would be going to the trouble of fixing the problem only to have it happen again. Too many RV owners have had to go through this. They think the problem is history. Then they hit the road. As soon as it rains again, they realize they were mistaken and are now too far away to do anything about it.

You can rest assured that EPDM will take care of the leak once and for all. Chances are you’ll never have to handle an RV leaks repair job in that area ever again.

Simple Application

If you pay someone to take care of your RV roof repair needs, it can be still be pretty affordable if they use EPDM. That’s because this form of RV rubber roof repair is so easy to apply there will be minimal labor costs to cover.

This means that it’s also easy to handle on your own. You can find all kinds of EPDM products these days. Most just require you to spray them over the problem area. Then just wait for it to dry and you’re good to go. Larger leaks may need a version that is applied more like paint, but it still won’t require much time and you definitely don’t need prior experience using it.


Like we just touched on, EPDM is extremely affordable, even if someone else applies it for you. Depending on the size of your leak, you should be able to fix the problem and still have plenty of the rubber left over in case you ever need it again.

Little-to-No Maintenance

Just like you don’t want another leak springing up after you went to the trouble of fixing the first one, you also don’t want to spend hours of your life going forward making sure that your repairs will stick.

Fortunately, EPDM is extremely low maintenance. In fact, cleaning the area is basically all it takes to keep any recurring problems from being an issue. It doesn’t take much, though, so just hit the area like you normally would when you wash your RV and you should be fine.

Preempting Problems

If you want to make sure that needing an RV leaks repair job never becomes necessary, your best bet would be to use EPDM beforehand. Again, it’s extremely affordable, so you won’t have to break the bank to cover the roof of your RV with the material. This coating won’t just keep the rain out, though. It will also keep the sun’s rays at bay and your A/C inside where it belongs.

RV rubber roof repair is the way to go when you get a leak. Just be sure it’s EPDM and that you handle the job right away.